DocuBits: VR Document Decomposition for Procedural Task Completion


Reading monolithic instructional documents in VR is often challenging, especially when tasks are collaborative. Here we present DocuBits, a novel method for transforming monolithic documents into small, interactive instructional elements. Our approach allows users to:(i) create instructional elements (ii) position them within VR and (iii) use them to monitor and share progress in a multi-user VR learning environment. We describe our design methodology as well as two user studies evaluating how both individual users and pairs of users interact with DocuBits compared to monolithic documents while performing a chemistry lab task. Our analysis shows that, for both studies, DocuBits had substantially higher usability, while decreasing perceived workload (p < 0.001 ). Our collaborative study showed that participants perceived higher social presence, collaborator awareness as well as immersion and presence (p < 0.001 ). We discuss our insights for using text-based instructions to support enhanced collaboration in VR environments.

2024 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2024